Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre

Location St. Joesph’s Rd. Kilkenny
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Call us 056 775 1988

Parenting When Separated Course

Parenting When Separated Course

Free 6-week Course

Parenting when separated can be difficult, and how it is managed has a significant impact on children. This 6 week course is for parents who are going through or have gone through separation or divorce. The focus of the course is positive and aims to build on your strengths as a parent and what you are already doing right. It is facilitated by two accredited practitioners.

The Parents Plus Parenting When Separated Programme aims to help you:

  • Understand the impact of separation on parents and children
  • Establish a positive cooperative co-parenting relationship
  • Communicate more effectively with your child’s other parent and your child
  • Manage successful contact and handovers
  • Manage Conflict and Challenges
  • Develop personal coping and stress management skills

Next course starts Monday September 13th, 2024 10.00 – 12.30, via zoom

For more information or to register to attend contact:
Wendy Taylor, 0879777810,

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