Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre

Location St. Joesph’s Rd. Kilkenny
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Call us 056 775 1988

English & Integration courses

Free English Classes

Autumn 2024

Other news

A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood
St Canice's Neighbourhood Hall cordially Invites you to, "A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood" A showcase day for all our service users On June 20th we are turning one half of our hall into an Art Exhibition space where we will display arts and crafts created by some of our service users such as watercolour [...]
Parenting When Separated Course
Parenting When Separated Course Free 6-week Course Parenting when separated can be difficult, and how it is managed has a significant impact on children. This 6 week course is for parents who are going through or have gone through separation or divorce. The focus of the course is positive and aims to build on your [...]
Mindfulness Programme for Children
Navigating Anxiety & Big Emotions through Mindfulness A FREE 4 WEEK MINDFULNESS PROGRAMME FOR CHILDREN AGED 9 – 12 WITH SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR PARENTS LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE SO BOOK YOUR PLACE QUICKLY. The Children’s’ Group will meet for 4 weeks each Thursday from 4.00 – 5.30 pm starting 6th July 2023, in the Fr McGrath [...]

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Fr. Mcgrath Centre