Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre

Location St. Joesph’s Rd. Kilkenny
Send us an email
Call us 056 775 1988

Family Support


We offer a professional and affordable counselling service. Our counselling team comprises of student, pre-accredited and accredited therapists. If you feel you need to talk to our counsellors, please contact Wendy – detail below

Each year we work with a number of trainee counsellors / psychotherapists, and we welcome applications for placements within our service. Students have the opportunity to work towards their qualification in a supportive, professional service.

To express your interest in joining our team of student counsellors, please email Wendy Taylor [] and include the following;

Name, Phone, Email, College Attending, Course, Year,
No. of Client Hours completed, Other relevant Experience,
Availability to see clients – (days & times)

Family Support

All families experience challenges at some point in their journey. These can range from typical parenting issues like establishing routines and fostering positive behaviour to more complex problems like relationship breakdown or family conflict. We meet parents/carers to discuss their family’s needs and provide tailored and agreed supports in response. These can range from one-off consultations and short-term coaching/mentoring programmes to more in-depth and intensive work.

We believe that collaborating with other professionals and agencies can help to ensure that families receive the most appropriate care and support. We offer families the opportunity to engage in Meitheal, an inter-agency process in which any relevant professionals come together with a family to help meet their needs.

Parenting Programmes and Workshops

We understand that Parenting is both the most rewarding and often the most challenging of jobs! Parents/Guardians encounter all sorts of problems and at times it can feel lonely or overwhelming. Both Wendy and Karin have many years of experience in working with parents to build their confidence and respond effectively to challenges. We are passionate about supporting parents in their most important role. We offer both one to one and group parenting supports so please do get in touch to discuss your needs.

We regularly deliver Parents Plus Parenting Programmes. These are evidence-based programmes, proven to have effective outcomes for families. They focus on what parents are already doing well and on building positive relationships within families. In addition, we offer workshops on topics that support parents in their role.

Key Support Staff

Wendy Taylor, Family Support and Counselling Services Manager;
Tel: +353 56 7751988 ext 2

Karin Todd, Family Support Practitioner and Psychotherapist
Tel: +353 5656 7751988 ext 2

Upcoming Family Support Events

English & Integration courses


A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood
St Canice's Neighbourhood Hall cordially Invites you to, "A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood" A showcase day for all our service users On June 20th we are turning one half of our hall into an Art Exhibition space where we will display arts and crafts created by some of our service users such as watercolour [...]

    Submit your family support query here